Dominic Lim Co is passionate about sustainability and how computational design. Prior to MIT, he worked as a production manager and computational designer at Archireef, a start-up that combines expertise in marine biology, design and 3D printing to create artificial habitats for corals. Along with his team of marine scientists, their work on artificial coral reefs has been featured on CNN, SCMP, Fast Company and DesignBoom. His interests include data science, entrepreneurship, design, fabrication and 3D printing, and has previously worked as a research assistant in smart textiles and robotic 3D printing labs in various Hong Kong universities. Dominic is also an avid hiker and has hiked 102 mountains.

Co, D. & Chen, A. Procedural Knit: Exploring Underdetermined Fabrication via Knit, Procedural Generation and Posture Detection. IASDR 2021. Hong Kong (Accepted 09/14/21 and In Press)
Chen, A. & Co, D. Workshops in TEI: Development, Evaluation, Exploration and Implementation. TEI 2022: International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. Daejon, South Korea (Accepted 11/18/21)
Lange, C., Ratoi, L. & Co, D. Reformative Coral Habitats - Rethinking Artificial Reef structures through a robotic 3D clay printing method. CAADRIA 2020. Bangkok, Thailand
Lange, C., Ratoi, L. & Co, D. Reformative Coral Habitats - Rethinking Artificial Reef structures through a robotic 3D clay printing method. CAADRIA 2020. Bangkok, Thailand